The Birmingham Museum And Art Gallery

The Birmingham Museum And Art Gallery

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B3 3DH
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The Birmingham Museum And Art Gallery Tickets

Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery is located in the heart of the city in Chamberlain Square.

The museum first opened its doors to the public back in 1885 and has flourished ever since with an extensive collection of Art, Ceramics, Jewellery, Archaeology and Natural, Local & Industrial history.

It has several galleries including the Round Room, the Bridge Gallery and the Industrial Gallery.

You can also visit the fantastic Edwardian Tearooms.

Some highlights of the Art collection include ‘The Star of Bethlehem’ by Edward Burne-Jones, ‘The Last of England’ by Ford Madox Brown and ‘The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple’ by William Holman Hunt.

As well as the permanent collection the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery has various exhibitions. See the official website for current exhibitions details.

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